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OpenCV + Python Morphology Hello. This is codingwalks.Image processing plays an important role in various fields, and among them, morphological operations and watershed algorithms are very useful techniques for analyzing the structural characteristics of images and separating objects. Morphological operations are used to adjust the shape of objects, distinguish boundaries between objects, and remove image noise. This arti.. 2024. 10. 25.
OpenCV + Python Filters and Convolutions Hello. This is codingwalks.In this article, we will learn about various image filtering techniques using OpenCV and Python. We will understand and implement filtering techniques through the basic theory, mathematical expressions, and actual code of filtering. In particular, we will cover sharpening and unsharp masking. 1. Image FilteringImage filtering is the operation of manipulating the pixel .. 2024. 10. 24.
OpenCV + Python Color recognition and drawing using a webcam (practical) Hello. This is codingwalks.The following is a color recognition and drawing exercise using a webcam. This mini-project uses OpenCV and Python to detect colors and create a simple program that draws points at the locations where the colors are detected to create a picture. We will proceed with the project step by step through theoretical explanations and Python code. 1. Project OverviewThe projec.. 2024. 10. 24.
OpenCV + Python Crop and resize images Hello. This is codingwalks.Image resizing and cropping are some of the most basic and important tasks in image processing. In many fields such as web development, design, data analysis, and artificial intelligence, there are many cases where you need to resize an image or use only a specific part of it. In particular, in computer vision tasks, it is essential to optimize the size or remove unnec.. 2024. 10. 24.
OpenCV + Python Histogram Analysis Hello. This is codingwalks.Histogram analysis plays a very important role in image processing. Histograms represent the distribution of pixel values ​​in an image and are useful for analyzing brightness, contrast, and dynamic range of an image. In this blog, I will explain various histogram processing techniques using OpenCV and Python and present the code to implement them. The main concepts co.. 2024. 10. 24.
OpenCV + Python Adjust the brightness and contrast of the image Hello. This is codingwalks.In image processing, adjusting brightness and contrast is a basic but very important process. In particular, brightness and contrast are key elements in photo correction or video quality enhancement. In this article, we will introduce how to adjust the brightness and contrast of an image using OpenCV and Python. This article explains how to adjust brightness and contra.. 2024. 10. 23.
OpenCV + Python Angle Measuring Instrument (Practical) Hello. This is codingwalks.In this article, we will create a program that measures the angle between two lines on an image using Python and the OpenCV library based on what we have learned previously. We will explain in detail the process of defining two lines by clicking the mouse and calculating the angle using simple mathematical calculations, and provide examples with actual code. 1. Project.. 2024. 10. 23.
OpenCV + Python Outputting Unicode Fonts Hello. This is codingwalks.Since OpenCV does not natively support outputting Unicode, additional work is required to output Unicode to an image. The most commonly used method for this is to use a TrueType font (TTF) file and draw Unicode to the image with the help of the Pillow (PIL) library. 1. Basic OpenCV text output functionIn OpenCV, you can annotate an image with text using the cv2.putText.. 2024. 10. 23.
OpenCV + Python Various drawing functions and character output Hello. This is codingwalks.OpenCV is an image processing library that provides functions to easily draw various shapes and text on images. In this post, we will explain various functions for drawing lines and shapes (rectangles, circles, polygons, ellipses, etc.) and how to output text on images, and learn how to use them through example code. In order to easily implement a coordinate system for.. 2024. 10. 23.